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Here is a collection of research works and in-depth studies in the field of architecture that I have conducted over the previous years.


Le Metteur en Forme

E. aspires to become an architect, a professional shaper of form. Aware of the fundamental role that form plays in defining the identity of architecture, he embarks on a quest to uncover the secret of universal form. His journey leads him to explore the history of form in architecture, encountering past masters of the discipline, radical regionalists, and fervent formalists. Under the guidance of his mentor, he also delves into examining his relationship with architecture as a whole and discerns the type of architect he wishes to become if he is to join the esteemed fraternity of the Order of Architects.

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L'Architecte à l'export
dans les échanges Nord-Sud

This research thesis examines the impact of the exportation of architects in a globalized context, highlighting the cultural and identity issues associated with this practice. It questions the responsibility and motivations of architects from developed countries when they work in developing nations. The thesis also explores the emerging concept of "Neo-Vernacular Architecture" as an ecological alternative to globalization. Building on theoretical research, the Final Year Project focuses on the revitalization of the ramparts of Saint-Flour, Auvergne, applying this approach.

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Committed to promoting African architecture, I joined the web magazine Archicaine in 2013, where I serve as the editor-in-chief. Our ambition was to create a web magazine focused on architecture in Africa. The platform brings together various topics and projects related to African architecture and its various challenges.

© 2023 by Edberg Porporty Architecte

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